Nature Nourishes the Soul

Speech by Mr. Henry Kwek (Nee Soon GRC) Debate on Parks and Trees Acts Mdm Speaker, I rise in support of the motion. Today, as we debate on the Parks and Trees Act, I would like to talk about a broader point, which is to deepen the connection between our people and our nature. There’s a beautiful Chinese saying, 钟灵毓秀.   钟灵毓秀 means that Nature’s beauty brings forth the talent and character in people. Indeed, for those of us who have experienced the joy of nature,....

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Sharing economy is here to stay

Speech by Mr. Louis Ng Kok Kwang, MP for Nee Soon GRC at the Second Reading of the Planning (Amendment) Bill [Bill No. 3/2017] Video Introduction Madam, I stand in support of the Bill. I will focus my speech on short-term rentals and I note that it is already illegal to lease a home for less than six months in Singapore. However, what we are doing in this Bill is codifying this URA subletting guideline and I have concerns about this.....

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Community Committee should be transparent

Speech by Mr. Louis Ng Kok Kwang, MP for Nee Soon GRC at the Second Reading of the Presidential Elections (Amendment) Bill [Bill No. 2/2017] Video Introduction Madam, I stand in support this Bill. However, I would like to seek a few clarifications and offer some suggestions. Advocating transparency I hope that the decision-making process of the Community Committee can be transparent. I trust that the Community Committee will carry out its functions in a fair and equitable manner.....

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Levelling the playing field between taxi companies and private car hire companies

Speech by Mr. Louis Ng Kok Kwang, MP for Nee Soon GRC at the Second Reading of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill [Bill No. 5/2017] Madam, this Bill ensures that Singapore’s road traffic laws continue to keep up with the changing times, and continues to adapt alongside ongoing changes in the industry, and I stand in support of it. Ensuring penalties are in line with rising affluence I commend the harsher penalties for altering vehicles and reckless driving,....

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