Clarify CareShield Life premiums

SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, DURING THE DEBATE ON THE WHITE PAPER ON EDLERSHIELD REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT IN PARLIAMENT ON 10 JULY 2018 Response from Ministry of Health Mr Speaker Sir   I fully support the Motion and I congratulate the committee for doing a very thorough job in its review. There are but a few points which I would like to raise one of which is why is it women have to pay a higher premium for CareShield Life?....

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A/P Faishal: Women’s Wages Grew at Similar Rate to Men

Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim reiterated Singapore’s commitment to women’s advancement at the Stockholm Forum on Gender Equality. He highlighted that Singapore’s women have made great strides in education levels, employment rates and wage equality. In fact, women’s full-time median wage has grown by 5.3% per annum from 2006 to 2016, at a similar rate to that of men. Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Social and Family Development and Nee Soon GRC MP Associate Professor Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim represented Singapore at the forum,....

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Women’s wing learns about LPA and AMD

On the 9th of September this year, members of the PAP’s Northwest District Women’s Wing convened for a special talk on legal issues in Nee Soon South branch. The event was graced by Ms Ellen Lee, a lawyer and former MP in Sembawang GRC. The PAP Women’s Wing focuses on issues and topics related to women’s empowerment and development. In line with those aims, the talk emphasised the importance of estate planning, writing a will, making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and making an Advance Medical Directive (AMD).....

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Domestic violence, after-school care and women in civil service

PQs from Er Dr Lee Bee Wah on 2nd and 3rd Oct 2017 1. To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development (a) in the past three years, how many domestic violence cases against women, especially those above 50 years, have been reported; (b) what is the Ministry doing to reach out to those who may be suffering in silence; and (c) whether the Ministry will look into ways to raise public awareness and work with grassroots groups to reach out to the silent victims.....

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