Digitising property transactions

Speech by Mr. Louis Ng Kok Kwang, MP for Nee Soon GRC at the Second Reading of the Stamp Duties (Amendment) Bill [Bill No. 30/2018] Introduction Sir, I stand in support of this Bill. Last year, stamp duty comprised some seven percent of all taxes collected. In a time of rising social and healthcare spending, it is important that we secure this revenue base. At the same time, we should also always aspire towards providing more options and greater clarity to liable taxpayers.....

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Protecting the Dignity of our Seniors

Mr. Speaker, PROTECTING THE DIGNITY OF OUR SENIORS Speaker Sir, on behalf of a group of parliamentarians called the PAP senior group, or PAP.SG, I beg to move today, that “This House believes that seniors are a gift to our society, contributing to a wise and resilient Singapore, and calls on the government to strengthen our support for our seniors to age with dignity, and spearhead community efforts to create a society where our seniors can thrive.” Speaker,....

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