Up-skilling, Re-skilling, Job Re-design

Cuts by MP Henry Kwek during Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) Committee of Supply Debate 2020 Up-skilling, Re-skilling, Job Re-design In the face of tectonic economic and technology shifts, up-skilling and re-skilling is paramount to good employment outcomes for Singaporeans. One can argue that success in both of these are some of the hardest public policy that very governments have achieve. Why? Successful up-skilling is usually done by successful companies. Because successful companies are the ones who have a clear vision for the future,....

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Physical and Non-physical Connectivity

Cut by MP Henry Kwek during Ministry of Trade and Industry’s Committee of Supply Debate 2019 Physical and Non-physical Connectivity Chairman, 1. Physical and non-physical connectivity has traditionally under-pinned Singapore’s success as a Global-Asia hub.   2. As ASEAN and the larger Asia region continues to grow, they are also becoming better connected to the world. Across the world, technology also changing the way people and business connect with one another, and shortening and shifting supply chains.....

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