Cuts by MP Louis Ng for Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) Committee of Supply debate 2020 Ensure divorcees with shared care and control have access to housing Last year I asked the Ministry to consider requiring divorce rulings to specify which parent can list their child as an essential occupier in HDB flat applications. The reply was that parents with shared care and control arrangements have equal rights to list their child as an essential occupier and that they should come to a mutually agreeable decision themselves.....
SPEECH BY ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MUHAMMAD FAISHAL IBRAHIM, SENIOR PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY FOR MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AT COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY 2020 MAKING A GOOD START IN LIFE Chairman, 1. I thank the members for their valuable suggestions and continued support of my ministry’s work. I would like to start with a few words in Malay. PERMULAAN BAIK BAGI SETIAP KANAK-KANAK Memudahkan Akses kepada Prasekolah yang Bermutu dan Dimampui 2. Peribahasa Melayu “melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya” memberi gambaran akan pentingya untuk mendidik anak-anak ketika mereka kecil.....
Cut by MP Louis Ng during Ministry of Social and Family Development’s Committee of Supply Debate 2019 Childcare subsidies for non-working moms During our Motion on “Education for Our Future”, Speaker asked who is the best teacher and where is the best school. We parents are the best teachers for our children and our home is the best school. And the most important time for us to be teachers and for our homes to be a school is during our child’s formative years.....