Maintenance of lifts and mechanised carparks

SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, AT THE 2ND READING OF THE BUILDING CONTROL (AMENDMENT) BILL IN PARLIAMENT IN FEB 2020 Mr Speaker Sir I rise to support the Bill. The amendments are certainly welcome especially in light of episodes of lifts breaking down in 2018. I support the amendments for proper registration and training of lift technicians. We know individual lift companies may have their own in-house training, but how adequate are these training sessions?....

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Calling for better working environment for lift technicians

Speech by Mr. Louis Ng Kok Kwang, MP for Nee Soon GRC, at the Second Reading of the Building Control (Amendment) Bill (Bill No. 10/2020)  Introduction  Sir, I stand in support of the Bill. Professionals from the lift industry have shared with me that lift maintenance is known as the 3D industry – it is dark, dirty, and dangerous. I would like to express my appreciation for the lift technicians who work tirelessly in dark, warm lift shafts to ensure that we can enjoy smooth and safe lift rides in our vertical city.....

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Transforming the Construction Industry

COS SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, AT PARLIAMENT’S BUDGET 2020 COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY DEBATE FOR THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRANSFORMING THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Sir, before I proceed, I would like to declare my interest as a PE and my involvement in property development and construction. Buy Singapore First Sir, many contractors told me that they feel discriminated in recent few contract awards. In the LTA Jurong Regional Line Projects,....

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Helping divorcees with housing, relaxing rules for HDB pet owners

Cuts by MP Louis Ng for Ministry of National Development (MND) Committee of Supply debate 2020 Waive mutual consent to ensure divorcees have a place they can call home Last year, I met Gina (not her real name) who is a divorcee. She originally had sole care and control of her son but gave that up for shared care and control so that her son could also stay with her ex-husband who lived nearer to his primary school.....

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