Asatizah Development

Cut by A/P Muhammad Faishal during Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY) Committee of Supply Debate 2020 Asatizah Development (Pembangunan Asatizah) Untuk membimbing masyarakat Muslim yang tinggal dalam masyarakat berbilang budaya secara berkesan, masyarakat bergantung kepada para asatizah untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan agama yang berasakan pengalaman sebenar serta mampu memberikan panduan terhadap isu-isu semasa yang muncul seperti mata wang kripto dan makanan berasaskan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Amat penting bagi para asatizah diperlengkapkan dengan kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk mendekati masyarakat secara berkesan.....

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SG Cares Volunteer Centres and Additional Support for the Arts

Cuts by MP Henry Kwek during Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY) Committee of Supply Debate 2020 SG Cares Volunteer Centres Singapore’s caring and kindness, along with progress in our society’s civic, culture, and sports arena, is fuelled by the passion of our country’s volunteers. MCCY has done an excellent job to identify, nurture, and empower them. We need to look no further than Team Nile, or our Museum Volunteers, to see proof of that.....

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Sporting Singapore

COS SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, AT PARLIAMENT’S BUDGET 2020 COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY DEBATE FOR MCCY SPORTING SINGAPORE Sir In the midst of COVID-19 affecting Singapore and rest of the world, the subjects of “national resilience”, “community bonding”, and “national pride” in how Singapore manages the epidemic is popping up in my constituency. Coincidentally, true sporting nations typically display such positive attributes.  In fact, I recall that the Committee of Sporting Singapore report in 2001 (championed by Mr Goh Chok Tong) articulated these three desired outcomes of a Sporting Singapore,....

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