Prevention Better than Cure, Support to Community Providers

Cuts by A/P Muhammad Faishal during Ministry of Health (MOH) Committee of Supply Debate 2020 Prevention Better than Cure  The phrase “prevention is better than cure” is often used to encourage people to adopt preventive health measures in their lives. I commend the Health Promotion Board and other stakeholders who have passionately and persistently engaged Singaporeans to take on preventive health measures at the community and national levels. As we move forward, I would like to ask how will MOH encourage Singaporeans across all ages to take on preventive health measures,....

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Encourage more to join CareShield Life

SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, AT THE SECOND READING OF THE CARESHIELD LIFE AND LONG-TERM CARE BILL IN PARLIAMENT Mr Speaker Sir The average lifespan of Singaporeans is on the rise. According to a study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, average lifespan would be 85.4 years in 2040. But the number of years spent in poor health would also correspondingly increase. The government has been enhancing policies and investing in resources to promote active,....

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Nee Soon’s Cancer Support Movement and Cancer Resource Centres

Nee Soon GRC launched “Never Alone”, Singapore’s first constituency-based cancer support and awareness movement on 27 Jan. In this movement, residents who have survived cancer will befriend and encourage neighbours going through the same journey. This is believed to be the first cancer support and awareness movement in Singapore launched by a GRC ’s community and grassroots, with support from partners. The movement includes 55 “Health Kakis” who are cancer survivors and residents of our GRC.....

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Protecting frontline staff from infectious diseases

SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, AT THE SECOND READING OF THE INFECTIOUS DISEASES (AMENDMENT) BILL IN PARLIAMENT ON 14 JAN 2019 Reply from MOH   Mr Speaker Sir I rise to support the Bill. We are a busy cross-road for international air and sea transport. Millions of tourists pass through our shores by air, land and sea. Hence, we need to take steps to closely monitor and implement measures on how infectious diseases can be controlled to protect the health of our local population.....

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