Household support of the year ahead

The Budget 2022 Household Support Package (HSP) helps Singaporean families to manage the cost of living pressures, by providing support for daily essentials – through utilities rebates, top-ups for children’s education and vouchers for use at heartland shops and hawkers. Check out the infographics below to see what you can expect to receive from now till March 2023.....

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Derrick Goh on supporting SMEs, tackling crime

Speech by Mr. Derrick Goh, MP for Nee Soon GRC at the Budget Debate 2022 on “Supporting SMEs and tackling crime“ Mr Speaker, 2          Sir, we are in the midst of navigating the Covid-19 pandemic.  We have collectively fared well so far.  I attribute this to the leadership of our Government and the trust and cooperation of our citizens.  3          I applaud the Government for boldly putting forward a holistic and expansionary budget of $102.4B.  Taken as a whole, the Budget is not only fairer,....

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Carrie Tan on increasing rehabilitative spaces

MP Carrie Tan’s views on Ministry of National Development’s Committee of Supply Debate 2022 There are 3 main communities of people who need stable places to stay as they are being rehabilitated. They include 1) perpetrators of family violence, 2) Single mothers and their children and 3) Persons in recovery from mental health conditions discharged from IMH, whose families are unable to care for them before their conditions fully stabilise. In addition to these 3 communities,....

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Carrie Tan on community policing

MP Carrie Tan’s views on MHA’s Committee of Supply Debate 2022 SPF faces manpower shortages, alongside many organizations, given the slowdown in workforce growth. Because of this, some incidents reported by citizens may at times be de-prioritized, when police are busy tending to more urgent cases such as those involving risk of physical harm or serious crimes.  Yet, cases of neighbourly disputes, harassment and disturbances at night such as drunken merrymaking at HDB void decks close can escalate quickly.....

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