Cuts by MP Henry Kwek during Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY) Committee of Supply Debate 2020
SG Cares Volunteer Centres
Singapore’s caring and kindness, along with progress in our society’s civic, culture, and sports arena, is fuelled by the passion of our country’s volunteers.
MCCY has done an excellent job to identify, nurture, and empower them.
We need to look no further than Team Nile, or our Museum Volunteers, to see proof of that.
MCCY also rolled out an excellent cloud-base volunteer portal,, that is a game-changer on how VWOs engage volunteers.
I’m deeply appreciative that MCCY has included Kebun Baru as a pilot within PA.
Last year, MCCY rolled out Volunteer Centres in seven towns to grow and coordinate volunteer supply, facilitate partnerships between community partners and build capabilities in these towns.
Can the Ministry provide an update on these Volunteer Centres, and whether there are plans to roll out the Centres to more towns.
Additional Support by MCCY & NAC
Most arts and culture institutions rely on a combination of ticket sales, grants, donations and endowment income.
For those with NAC grants, the government usually also ties the grants to public attendances and projects that benefit Singapore, and rightfully so.
In view of the current circumstances regarding coronavirus, donations from some parts of the business community may be down, and there reduced demand for large scale public performances,
Some institutions without deep reserves or large endowment could face significant challenges.
Can MCCY share how MCCY and NAC can better support these institutions in this difficult times?
For examples, can NAC provide additional support or convert existing grant by getting these institutions to invest in capability development, so that they can emerge stronger from the crisis?
Watch the speech here
Watch the response here and here