Parliamentary Questions from MP Louis Ng, 11-13 Feb 2019
1) To ask the Minister for National Development whether the Ministry will introduce a licensing requirement for pet boarding businesses in addition to the standards and best practices listed in the Code of Animal Welfare (for the Pet Industry).
2) To ask the Minister for National Development:
(a) what percentage of shark’s fin shipments undergo sampling and DNA analysis to ensure that the species declarations are accurate;
(b) for each year in the past five years, how many cases of false declarations were detected; and
(c) whether there are plans to introduce a mandatory labelling scheme for all shark products specifying the species of shark.
3) To ask the Minister for Education for each year in the past five years, what is the number of students entering the (i) Normal (Technical) (ii) Normal (Academic) and (iii) Express streams respectively.
4) To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development:
(a) whether working mothers who have been receiving childcare subsidies can continue to receive the same level of subsidies for up to three months without being subjected to a case-by-case review when they become
unemployed and are looking for a new job in the interim; and
(b) under what circumstances do current case-by-case reviews reject such appeals.
5) To ask the Minister for Home Affairs:
(a) for each year in the past five years, what is the average number of open visits which an inmate has with their children; and
(b) whether there are plans to increase the number of open visits which an inmate can have with their children
7) To ask the Minister for Education:
(a) how does the Ministry decide what percentage of students are streamed into the Normal
(Technical), Normal (Academic), and Express streams each year; and
(b) whether the streaming system allows for the possibility that no students enter the Normal (Technical) or Normal (Academic) stream in a given year.
8) To ask the Minister for Education with the removal of the EM3 stream in primary schools, what have been the effects on students, teachers and parents respectively.