Speech by A/P Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, SPS, MOE and MSF, at appointment of new Speaker of Parliament
Mr Speaker, Sir.
I rise to thank Mdm Halimah Yacob for her contribution as the Speaker to the House and to support the nomination of Mr Tan Chuan-Jin as the upcoming Speaker to the House.
Many would agree with me, that Mdm Halimah has been a trail-blazer and inspiration to many.
Despite describing herself as “ponteng queen”, she has come in ‘first’ many times
– the first female Speaker of Parliament
– the first Singaporean to be elected into the International Labour Organisation
and other firsts.
It is a testament to how hard she works, her determination and perseverance to do what she believes is right.
At the same time, Mdm Halimah had in both her election and re-election speeches in this House, highlighted how she was humbled by the trust and confidence Members had in her.
And rightly so.
It is this quality of humility that has won her much support and respect from Members of this House and beyond.
I recall her speech to us, that as Parliamentarians, we enjoy Parliamentary Privileges which come attached with great responsibilities,
and her counsel to use them wisely.
And her point to keep our speeches succinct, “as the length of a speech is no indication of its impact.”
More importantly, that speeches are kept honest, sincere and heartfelt, without the need to play to the gallery.
These words truly represent the very core Halimah Yacob that we all know – responsible, duty-bound, outcome-driven, honest and sincere.
Qualities of a distinguished Speaker who has upheld the dignity of this House.
I join Members of the House in thanking her for her service, and wish her the very best in her future endeavours.
It is my personal belief that wherever she ends up in, we can have utmost confidence in her abilities to do well.
Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Sir.
It will take me some time, to get used to addressing you as Mr Speaker when we meet in this House, simply because you have been much more than that over the years.
I recall when we were first comrades, working together when you took over Chai Chee from part of my former constituency Kaki Bukit.
Back then, you already displayed the temperament fitting of your role today.
You injected a sense of quiet confidence through your calm composure.
And your willingness to listen and understand with much empathy.
But you didn’t stop there. Before we knew it, you had established a network in the community that would strengthen residents’ engagement and support for those who needed help.
It was always the people that was on your mind.
You earned a remarkable reputation for being extremely “hands-on”.
You had the charisma and vision to inspire and to bring people and partners to work together towards a common goal.
We found in you, a champion of fair play.
A staff or any other individual being unfairly treated or abused can always count on you to be there for them.
We found in you, a champion for our sportsmen and sportswomen, and for people with disabilities and special needs.
Because you stood up for them.
You do all of that, while continuing to run or cycle at many events for a good cause, passionately support the role of fathers in the family at various events, and carry out your duties as an MP to your constituents in Kembangan-Chai Chee.
This House can therefore, expect a Speaker with boundless energy, who will listen and act fairly and impartially.
And I am very certain, a Speaker who will, through example, remind us of our duty to the House, and our service to the people of Singapore.
Sir, allow me to continue my speech in Malay.
Puan Halimah Yacob
Puan Halimah memiliki peribadi yang membuat beliau mudah disenangi oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat. Dalam setiap tanggungjawab yang beliau sandang, beliau menjalankan amanah yang diberikan dengan penuh komitmen dan dedikasi dan seringkali mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat dan negara Singapura.
Sebagai Speaker, Puan Halimah melaksanakan peranan dan tanggungjawabnya dengan amat baik. Beliau tegas. Namun, pada masa yang sama, beliau berlaku adil dan saksama dalam tugasnya; memberi peluang dan ruang kepada setiap anggota parlimen untuk menyuarakan pendapat mereka terhadap isu-isu yang dibincangkan.
Puan Halimah berjaya meningkatkan mutu perdebatan di parlimen. Ternyata juga, Puan Halimah memastikan bahawa hasil perdebatan yang berlaku di Parlimen akan menyatukan rakyat Singapura dan menyerlahkan kedudukan Singapura di mata dunia.
Selain itu,beliau menggunakan kedudukan beliau sebagai Speaker untuk menggalakkan hubungan baik antara rakyat Singapura dan negara-negara lain.
Encik Tan Chuan-Jin
Encik Tan pula telah banyak menyumbang dalam penggubalan dasar yang telah memberi kesan yang mendalam terhadap sektor sosial negara ini. Beliau juga mempunyai kebolehan untuk menyatukan pendapat-pendapat berbeza beberapa pihak. Encik Tan dikenali sebagai seorang pemimpin yang penyayang dan amat bersungguh-sungguh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.
Satu inisiatif yang wajar disebut juga ialah Program ‘Dads for Life’. Sebagai Menteri, Encik Tan mempunyai semangat yang mendalam akan peranan bapa dalam pembangunan sesebuah keluarga.
Selain itu, keterlibatan beliau secara peribadi dalam pendidikan prasekolah juga menunjukkan betapa beliau memberi keutamaan pada pendidikan di peringkat asas. Hari ini, ramai keluarga Singapura termasuk keluarga-keluarga Melayu meraih manfaat daripada Program Kidstart yang diinisiatifkan oleh Encik Tan.
Bagi kedua-dua individu yang saya hormati ini, izinkan saya untuk menghadiahkan serangkap pantun sebagai tanda penghargaan dan ucap selamat saya kepada mereka:
Belayar si nakhoda ke Pulau Kapas,
Hendak mendapat padi dituai;
Tanggungjawab dipikul amanah digalas,
Singapura makmur, aman dan damai.
Sekian, terima kasih.