Speech by Mr. Louis Ng Kok Kwang, MP for Nee Soon GRC, at the Second Reading of the Environmental Public Health (Amendment) Bill(Bill No. 31/2020) Some background on this speech: Introduction Sir, I love it when I bring my three daughters out by myself and have some Daddy-Daughters time while Mummy takes a break. It is precious quality time, which I wish I have more of. I’m glad to share that I no longer need to change nappies.....
SPEECH BY ER DR LEE BEE WAH, MP FOR NEE SOON GRC, AT THE SECOND READING OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES (AMENDMENT) BILL IN PARLIAMENT Mr Speaker Sir Climate change and global warming have caused sea levels around the world to rise. Singapore, being a small island nation surrounded by water, is vulnerable to rising sea levels. So, we must seriously take action to protect our country and our future generations as climate change is not a distant problem.....
Parliamentary Questions by Mr Louis Ng on 26 Feb – 3 Mar 2020 1) To ask the Minister for National Development what plans does the Ministry have to encourage companies in the private sector to achieve the BCA Green Mark for Super Low Energy Buildings certification. Response 2) To ask the Minister for National Development in respect of the Code on Accessibility in the Built Environment 2019, whether the Government will consider (i) increasing the number of lactation rooms from the one lactation room currently required for offices and business parks with a gross floor area of 10,000 sqm and above and (ii) lowering the gross floor area threshold of 10,000 sqm before buildings are required to have at least one lactation room.....
Cuts by MP Louis Ng for Ministry of Environment and Water Resources (MEWR) Committee of Supply debate 2020 Increase the use of solar energy Young PAP held a Focus Group Discussion last month with 16 climate activists and drafted 24 recommendations. This included incentivising solar energy, which is the most viable clean energy source in Singapore. In Nee Soon, 64% of the electricity for municipal fittings is from solar energy. We should all move towards being fully solar powered.....